Wednesday, October 24, 2007


There are SOOOO Many Aspects & Directions "At Play" here, for all of us to be concerned with.
Not just the immediate issues (which are urgent & important), but also others that are pending and will also likely detrimentally impact everyone.
We must take a look at how each one of these issues will positively &/or negatively impact tenants, as well as the whole community at large.

Monday, October 22, 2007

pertinent idea

phased development is imperative for the lmh site

Testing... hope this works

An initial test post. I hope that I can delete this later on. I've invited a few rpsc housing sub-committee members to join so that they can post as well. I had trouble inviting Ned because his email address has a '&' character in it. I'll talk to him about that.